Reduce the Risk of Wildfires


Be Prepared for the Unexpected

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Air Quality Affects Us All

Air Quality Affects Us All

​Follow us on Social Media and stay informed.

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Download this .vcf card for Sacramento Alert and add it to your contacts​

You can also read alert information on the Homeland Security Alerts web page.





Emergency Alerts Notific​​ation System

Sign up to receive alerts about local emergencies.

Hazards in Our Area

Learn about the various disasters and emergencies that can happen within Sacramento County, and how to prepare for them.


First aid kit, water, medication, contacts information. Find out what to include in your emergency kit.

Emergency Plans

The Office of Emergency Services maintains a number of county-wide emergency plans as part of its comprehensive emergency management program to ensure the County and its local jurisdictions are ready to respond to a variety of threats and hazards impacting the area.  These plans are consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and California’s Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and coordinated with state and federal plans.


Sacramento OES Disaster Preparedness

Sacramento OES Disaster Preparedness Video


Make a Communications Plan

Make a Communications Plan

Your family may not be together when an emergency happens.

Emergencies Affect Pets, Too

Emergencies Affect Pets, Too

Plan ahead to make sure your pets are safe in an emergency.



Find out now how you can be ready to help when the need arises.